
As a Catholic parish, we rely on free-will donations. We happily accept your contribution of Time & Talent as well as Treasure!


Be sure to do your part to support our operating costs and our many ministries and service opportunities.


You can make your donations in the following ways:
  • using the envelopes that are mailed to all parishioners,
  • donating cash,
  • setting up ACH withdrawals from your bank using this ACH form, or
  • sending checks to the Parish office at
St. John Evangelist Catholic Parish
600 Green Tree Road
Kohler, WI 53044
Good Stewardship
The weekly offertory collection provides funds for parish operations including payroll, utilities, maintenance, repairs, insurance, the Archdiocesan assessment, and parish-supported ministries. Good stewardship requires continued prudent care by our dedicated priests and staff. It also requires that each and everyone of us recognize that ALL WE HAVE IS A GIFT FROM GOD!
Intentional Giving
When the collection basket comes your way each Sunday, we invite you to look at it with new eyes. We have the privilege of mirroring God's great generosity in the place we worship—living out our love for God and our neighbor. Each and every act of our lives is an opportunity for a sacrifice of praise to God—even the act of budgeting treasure to give back in support of God's Church! Our Lord gives us His perfect attention at all times. May your gift be carefully and intentionally counted, that each coin may be a sign of your renewed and deliberate commitment to God and to His Church.